Welcome to Texas Book Journal
Texas Book Journal will be a work in progress. Our intent is to be the go to website for anyone interested in books about Texas, published in Texas or written by a Texan. We are looking for book reviews, events, features, press releases and about anything else our readers might find relevant and interesting. Fee feel free to e-mail our editors with your ideas, suggestions, etc. Join our e-mail list, check in regularly and watch us evolve and hopefully grow. Bryan Woolley
legendary Texas newsman and author remembered Bryan Woolley was a legendary Texas newspaperman, and much more. His portfolio included hundreds of stories of real-life Texas characters from every corner of the state. It included novels, such as one about about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy that was considered one of the best written about Dallas. And it included being a part of civil rights history, when he took part in the Martin Luther King Jr.-led march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala. Woolley died Friday night. He was 77. Read More . . . Haskell bookstore receives national attention
What happens when a person walks through the front door. “They go, ‘Ahgg!’” Martha Jarred said and laughed. “We tell them not to be overwhelmed, it’s more organized than it looks.” Maybe that’s a tall order. Inside the Henderson Book Store, you’d swear there’s more books than floor space. Read More . . . Success Was
Hard to Handle for "Ole Yeller' Author At the peak of the “Old Yeller” craze, the Palace Theater in Dallas invited dogs and their human companions to a special showing of the film version of the best-selling book on Jan. 11, 1958. Frederick Benjamin Gipson was born on a farm near Mason in 1908. Life on the western edge of the Hill Country was more hardscrabble than idyllic, but to the young boy it was a rustic paradise that made a deep and lasting impression. Read More . . . |
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